Sunday, May 31, 2009

and the sticker chart begins

So I have determined that I will hopefully have Raine potty trained by the end of summer. Today we started the potty sticker chart. He doesnt really understand the concept as of yet but im hoping that by day 3 he will understand that stickers only happen when the potty happesns. Right now it's more of a fuss when he only gets one sticker and wants more but doesnt get them.

So as of today, we still have no major potty action, but at least he will sit on it and talk to me :o) Thats a bonus all in it's own. I wonder what suprises will come tomorrow.

Later Y'all

Saturday, May 30, 2009

the saga has begun......already?

So I have decided to write a blog that will cover my 2 year old sons potty training adventure, as well as mine, as I'm sure both of us will have quite the experience.

Now as my title states, our potty training expreience has already begun. Infact it started around Christmas time when my son was only 20 months old. Since the "experts" say that he should have been showing signs by then, I thought I would go ahead and train my little man in a few days. Easy as pie right?

So I headed down to my local Toys-R-Us, which is far from local really as it is an hour away. I studdied all the potties for at least 45 minutes. I carefully took into consideration that my son is quite tall and lankey for his age, so something too low to the ground would be uncomfortable. As well I took into consideration the flash appeal. He likes bells and whistles, but how far do you go when u have to actually pay for this stuff??? So he didnt get the throne looking potty with the flushing sounds or some crazy expensive european, lumbar supporting potty either. Instead we went with a simple potty with a cushy seat and a pull out toilet paper roll holder. PERFECT!!! or so I thought it was anyways :o)

I decided to wrap up the potty and give it as a gift at Christmas as a start to being a big boy, but Raine had other thoughts. He wasn't showing any signs of being ready to be potty trained, or any signs that I could see anyways.

I started to look up potty training tips and this is where I got stumped. I had to actually PAY for someone to help me? Unh uh, no way was I going to fall for that. So I started asking people around me how they started to potty train, but unfortunately none of my friends have children, so I had to rely on some 25-40 year old tips, they are a little rusty and old school if you ask me. So as of now, at 27 months we still have yet to be potty trained. I think I am just about at the end of my poopy bum cleaning every day.... the training will begin now.

So since my son thinks his potty is something that u play with and not something you use, this experience is going to be interesting. I will not charge anyone to read our adventure, and I hope if anything that you can take something home from this, or at least get a good laugh :o)

Click Here!